Marla Thompson (MS 2017)

Current Position & Responsibilities:

Business Analyst, U.S. Census Bureau; My technical job title is Survey Statistician; however, my work responsibilities are similar to that of a Business Analyst. I work with data providers, stakeholders, and customers from the various survey areas of the Census. (Yes, we’re responsible for much more than just the Decennial! There are over 100 different program areas and surveys within Census.) My job is to collect requirements for the data dissemination platform that the Census is building. As an analyst, my job is to foster communication between groups and connect the dots.

What are the most rewarding and/or most challenging aspects of your work?

My job is unique because I work with all different types of people from all other programs within the Census. There is so much to learn, and I get to work with experts in their field all day long. The challenging part of my work can be weeding through the technical details. In many ways, the business speaks one language, and developers speak another. It’s my job to translate information in a way that both sides can understand.

How did your degree(s) in Geography prepare you for this position?

“Since my focus was on Human Geography and Planning, many of the concepts I learned at ECU are very applicable to my work. In particular, critical thinking, technical writing, and collaboration are all vital in my work. Although I do not directly work in “Geography,” everything at the Census is rooted in geography. It is the foundation for all of the surveys and statistics that we publish.”

What else do students need to learn (beyond the degree) and who should they be talking to in preparation for entering the job market?

“Internships!! Internships or summer jobs are so important. If for no other reason, they can help you figure out what line of work you want to pursue (and the ones you don’t). I also think it’s essential to learn how to work with people and develop confidence when presenting. Conferences are a great avenue to gain this experience, whether that be at a national level (like AAG), regional level (SEDAAG), or local level (RCAW).”

What was your favorite or most memorable experience

“My class of graduate students was a great crew! Since many of us were new to eastern North Carolina, we enjoyed taking trips to the Outer Banks, the mountains, and spending time at the local breweries in Greenville.”