Roshan Saud

Advisor: Dr. Steven Richter

Research project/area

““Currently, I am engaged in a project centered around the phenomenon of urban growth within the United States. The primary goal is to utilize geospatial methodologies and datasets acquired through remote sensing to identify the physical patterns of urban growth across the United States. This work encompasses multiple dimensions of urban expansion.

Area of interest: Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing, UAV and Li-DAR”

Why did you decide to join the graduate program in this department?

“I chose the Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment (DGPE) at ECU for my master’s degree due to its dynamic and adaptable curriculum. Moreover, my keen interest in leveraging geospatial datasets and tools to foster sustainable communities aligned perfectly with my supervisor’s research focus. Furthermore, I was well aware that my time at DGPE, learning from accomplished faculty members, would significantly enrich both my technical abilities and research capabilities in the geospatial domain.”

A fun fact about yourself OR your hobbies.

“I’m someone who loves listening to music and reading books, especially Nepali Literature. And hey, if I’m not doing that, I’m probably out hiking and exploring nature.”